Judy & Jamies Maghermorne Estate Wedding
Intimate weddings are becoming more and more of a thing. Even before the world stopped with the pandemic, more and more couples were choosing smaller weddings, saying their I do’s their way. A great option for those who don’t want 100’s of eyes wathcing them down the aisle, who want to bypass the overhwleming process of organising a bigger wedding celebration. Shrinking your day down to a cosy size, an intimate wedding guarantees you’ll love everything your money was spent on and it creates the opportunity for great memories with every single guest. All without missing out on all the best bits of wedding days. An intimate wedding can actually open up more opportunities.
So being an intimate wedding photographer anyway, during the rise of covid weddings I didn’t miss a beat. As wonderful as they are to capture, I don’t need huge floral extravaganzas, circus performers or a none stop schedule of events or details to document to fill a wedding album. I focus on the moments, the connections and the couple. The rest is just icing on the yummy cake. Don’t get me wrong I love the icing but if only 15-25 people are at your wedding you can spend you wedding funds on more important things. Better yet, save them for a bigger celebration later on when restrictions have buggered of.
Judy & Jamie chose to keep their wedding date and roll with the punches. Who want to wait any longer to be Mr &Mrs after this past year?! I think we all want to live for the moment a bit more right? Their stunning venue, Maghermorne Estate was perfect for their intimate wedding. And it really didn’t feel like a ‘covid wedding’ whatever that means. All the special moment were their, they were felt, they were documented. The loved filled the entire space and the wedding portraits speak for themselves. Judy and Jamie both said how nervous they were and that they are awful and awkward at having their photograph taken. Filthy lies. Just look at them!
Though receptions weren’t allowed at thsi point we made use of the gorgeous estate grounds and this pair of newly weds just melted into each other, laughed and just lived in that blissful moment. We even stopped for a game of naughts and crosses. Have a look at their absolutely beautiful wedding album below. And if you are thinking of having a smaller intimate wedding just get in touch here.